
Web Security

Tinkal Miami Beach Office

We at Tinkal, speak frankly. We deliver rather than flaunt. We offer every service you might need to get your presence on the web and in the world, from design to delivery, and with the highest possible quality. Whether you’re a mom n’ pop shop or a world-class conglomerate, we know how to help you profit.

Web Security

Here are just a few of our specialties. But remember: we are here to work with your particular needs, the whole way through. Because we know there’s more to building a website than just designing it!

Web Design Tools We’ve Got Under Our Belt:

  • PHP/Mysql and flat file databases
  • Flash presentations
  • HTML or plain text newsletter subscription set-up
  • E-commerce shopping carts, order forms and product catalogs
  • Logo design directories PHP or CGI based chat/online discussion forums
  • Site planning management: Site architecture, project management, client relations

Domain Name Registration – If you don’t already own a domain name, we’ll get you one. If you’re having trouble selecting one, we’ll help you. With over 8 years of experience, we know what works and what doesn’t. We’ll help you pick the perfect name for you.

Hosting and Maintenance – We’ll host you for free, with speed, reliability, security, and 24hr. customer service; seven days a week. We’re your 411 and your 911 all in one.

Marketing – from postcards, to e-services, to business cards, newsletters, logos; from creative egg to product birth, we not only incubate – we deliver.

Affordability – We don’t cost an arm and a leg – we’ll charge you fair prices and exceed customer expectations every step of the way…

Remember, these are only a few of our services. For the full run-down, or if you have any questions, don’t be shy – give us a ring, any time. We’re here for you!