A picture is worth a thousand words. At Tinkal, we not only offer you top-of-the line graphic art, design, development, and programming, but we also have top quality photographers working on our team as well. With both artistic bents and eyes for sales and marketing, our photography offers that rare touch of sophistication mixed with style and market-value.
Understanding each business, person, and situation, along with particular needs, we understand the importance of individual attention. From headshots to real-estate shoots; jewelry to hotel grounds, we’ll photograph any and every environment with superiority and originality, no matter how seemingly large or small.
Whether you’re looking for an onsite shoot, or material to fill your website with, our team is equipped to shoot both onsite and in-studio. We cover everything from lighting to high-tech equipment. We hire models when necessary. We always come prepared.
We know how to capture ambience and photography on film and digital pixels. And we’ve mastered Photoshop and every program necessary to bring out the best of our best.
Lights, Camera, Action…sit back and relax, we’ve got it all under control, always bringing the perfect picture to your product.